Getting Started

I have been asked a lot, “I want to learn more about holistic health, where do I start?” This page is meant to serve as a guide for you. It is updated often and as needed. Note that a few things that are helpful before getting started are to understand a few concepts that I have found helpful for myself and working with lots of families over the years. 

  1. Learn to Chew and Spit. Not all information out there is helpful for you or applies to you in this season of life. Being able to take the information, “chew” on it for a while and then be able to spit out what does not apply to you right now is an important skill to have.

  2. Have an idea of where you are going, start with answering the question, “what do I want?” This helps streamline your learning. It is a deep web that has no end, being able to have a direction in which to start and a desired destination helps weed out the huge information overload that is out there. 

We all learn differently. I have tried to list not only different resources but also different mediums for how you might gather all of that information. 


  • Weston Price Book and Website 

  • Sally Fallon Books

  • Liz Wolfe, Eat the Yolks 

  • Nutritional Therapy & Wellness Podcast 

Nutrition Cookbooks:

  • Nourishing Traditions - This book is great information and also has great recipes 

  • Paleo Principles -Sarah Ballantyne - This book is great information and also has great recipes

General Health:


Good-Bye Germ Theory - William. This one may not be for beginners but it’s worth reading at some point and keeping an option mind.

Brain Health:


  • Truth about Vaccines 

  • Shot in the Dark

  • Vaxxed & Vaxxed 2

  • The Greater Good 

  • Magic pill 


***Coming Soon - Gracious Healing Starter Packs. These will be PDF’s walking you through things like nutrition, first aid support, lifestyle & many other solutions to the most common questions I receive from clients. 

Please Note if there are resources that you have found helpful, I would love to know. Email me at:

