My Favorite Things
Nutritional Support
Organo Coffee: I truly believe a cup of King Coffee has the power to offer so much hope to people. Why not give it a try!? Why not swap out your daily coffee for a coffee option that has the power to heal? King Coffee is not only organic coffee that has been checked for mold but also has a therapeutic dosage of Reishi Spores in each packet. My other favorite coffee is Royal. This coffee is a blend of Coffee, Ganoderma Lucidum, Cordyceps, and Lions Mane.
Core Formulas - I love all these products. Two of my favorite products are: Daily Essentials & Stress Control.
Pique - When I am not drinking water or King Coffee you will find me drinking Pique tea. There are many amazing benefits and flavors. Some with caffeine and many without.
Equip Protein - This is currently the only protein powder we have in our house. We do not use protein powders often but when we do we will use this brand.
LMNT - Great when you need added electrolytes or just something to drink other than water.
Earthely - I love so many of these products. But my two favorites that we always have on hand are the Good Night Lotion & Black Drawing Salve
Cymbiotika - These supplements are great for kids who are picky. I also love these product when I travel. I can often find these in grocery stores when I travel. My kids love vitamin c packets and Magnesium L - Threonate
Lifestyle Tools
Vibrant Blue Oils - Favorite Essential Oil Blends - The “Sleep” blend is always on hand in our house.
Therassage - Shop Therasage for one of my favorite at-home therapies: Red Light and Sauna.
Red Light can help with detoxification, hair loss, brain disorders, pain & inflammation, collagen/skin repair, boost overall mitochondria function, support those with autoimmune disease, support athletic performance, help combat depression, increase nitric oxide & increase overall vagal tone & help with seasonal depression disorder.
Use code: EmilyJ10 for 10% off
LumeBox - This redlight is my favorite not just for its strength but also for its small size as well as portability. We have taken it camping, on car rides, and outside on the back porch when. I love not having to be hooked up to an outlet and I do find that it works better for more intense issues. If it’s a minor ailment or for the kids I will use the Therasage Trilight but for most of my redlight needs I will grab the LumeBox.
Defender Shield - For EMF’s my approach is always avoidance first and foremost. Second I utilize tools that have been created Defender Sheild I have been using for years. We use mats and phone blockers to help meditate EMF’s when avoidance or distance from technology is not possible.
Skin Care
Clearstem - Our whole family loves clearstem. It’s easy to have for the whole family. Code: EMILYJ
Faithful Family Farmer - I love all of their ozone products