Immune Support

Immune system support is a big conversation right now among many parents and practitioners. This blog post is not meant to answer all the questions but to provide you some information. The following is an excerpt from Mighty Warrior Kids - Children’s basis.

Often the acute exposes the chronic. Parents of children who are often ill should be looking at what root causes might be lowering overall resilience. Our kids will get sick but its how well do they bounce back and how hard to they get hit when they do get sick with an acute infection? Building Resilience is the best answer for the questions of acute care.

1. Understanding Wellness

While it is important, as parents, that we can look at the whole body and understand root causes, there are still times when we just need guidance on how to handle everyday, acute incidents like ear infections, strep throat, and fevers. In his book, “How to Raise a Healthy Child…in Spite of Your Doctor,” Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn brought back the idea of putting the power of a child’s health in the hands of the parents. Before the specialty of pediatrics, so many aspects of children’s healthcare was based on education that was passed down from generation to generation. At some point, control was handed over to the medical system, and parents lost the confidence that they, in fact, know their child best and began to rely solely on the medical system to dictate the total health needs and procedures of their children. Like Dr. Mendelsohn, we believe that If parents can become better equipped with information and lay down our fears, then we can better know when to take our children to the doctor and when to keep them home. We can be empowered to use all our tools in our toolbox in conjunction to medical assistance when needed. This provides the best of both worlds. ☺ 

2. A Healthy Lifestyle for Life-Long Immunity 

So, what can we do for our kids before any sickness even arrives? First, we need to become proactive in our mindset. We are a society that tends to wait till sickness arrives before we do anything. We treat symptoms, instead of thinking preventatively. But addressing key lifestyle changes can help keep our children from illness before it even begins. Here are a few immune supportive actions we can take today:

  • Address things such as infection, leaky gut, and overall toxin load that will wreak havoc on immune system.

  • Support emotions within the home. Mom and Dad - this means you,also. Stress always drives down immune function and leaves little room for mild illness. It’s ok for our kids to get the sniffles. They are building the strength of their immune system. But running down adrenal function will place extra stress on their bodies. We will talk in later modules about how to create the best environment in regard to stress, including: sleep, movement, and more.

  • Having good supportive foods that are giving both macro/micronutrients to the body, instead of toxin-heavy foods that are depleting the body of key nutrients

  • Hydration & Salt

Check out Mighty Warrior Kids Membership for more information on this subject.


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