Calling Mighty Warriors

A Time for Change

Half of all children born in the next decade will be diagnosed with autism.⁹

This is according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and her extensive research into the alarming rates of autism diagnosis over the last ten years.

It is a dark and difficult time for a child born in the United States.

Seneff has studied, and concluded, that the unheard of rates of diagnosis since the 1970’s can’t simply be attributed to better screening and increased awareness. We have not only never seen rates of any disease increase at this rate, along with the skyrocketing rates of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, but also we haven’t seen a leveling out in diagnosis that would allow for the “increased screening” theory. In fact, the opposite is true: “In the past 5 years alone, autism rates have increased from 1/150 to 1/50.”⁹

What does it mean for humanity, if we are facing a future where half of our children are entering the world with significant brain damage or dysfunction? What does this mean for the adults of twenty, thirty years in the future that are the drivers of innovation, economy, healthcare, and caring for our aging generation? This unheard of and catastrophic increase has led Seneff to conclude that this can’t be simply a genetic issue - it must be environmental.⁸

So what’s changed in the last 40 years?

Seneff says this “environmental epidemic” is being fed by Monsanto herbicide (Roundup) glyphosate, heavy exposure to aluminum and mercury in ever-increasing childhood vaccines, and a lack of proper nutrition and sunlight.⁸⁹ We are starving our smallest bodies of nutrients and feeding them on metals and herbicides.

(This is just a scratch on the surface of Seneff’s research. If you want to dig deeper, check out her research here and here.)

A Call for Warriors

I know this is scary - and this is your heads up: this isn’t a “feel-good” piece today. I’m here to get you hyped up. So get your gloves on - like a boxer in the ring - and get ready to enter the fight. Because time has run out. There’s no more time to bury our heads with platitudes like, “the kids are okay! They’re resilient!” Because as scary as this might be to read, if you are the mom of a kiddo suffering with any one of these things today - if you see your child in any one of these examples, but haven’t been able to get anyone to pay attention, or haven’t been able to connect the dots, I want you to hear me today:

You are capable.

And you are not alone.

Now, let’s heal the brain. Let’s find out what’s stopping their brains from functioning as they should, and fix it! What are we waiting for? Too often, we hear the call - but just like Gideon, instead of immediately rising like “mighty warriors,” we are scared, doubtful, and complacent. We settle for less than and easier. We settle for status quo because an “expert” says it must be so. But if you know that more is possible, if you see the path of the status quo is leading to destruction, what’s stopping you from switching things up now

You are called to greater. Believe that healing, that wholeness, is possible.

Come on, mighty warrior.

Finding the Weak Spots

None of us would undertake a total home renovation on a house sitting on a cracked and weak foundation. No matter the effort, the investment, the time and work put in - all would amount to nothing if the foundation were to collapse under the weight of our shiny, new home. Likewise, we can’t begin to address surface troubles in our children without thoroughly examining their foundation for cracks and weakness or susceptibility. The hard truth is that today, children account for some of the highest rates of chronic illness and conditions in the world. With many of these numbers skyrocketing in recent decades.¹

Here are the facts according to the Children’s Health Defense:

  • 54% percent of American children are chronically ill

  • 13% of America’s children are in special education

  • One in six children has a developmental disorder

  • Millions suffer from allergies including deadly peanut allergies

  • Almost 11% have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • 15,000 or more children were diagnosed with cancer this year alone

  • One in 59 has autism

  • There is an epidemic of autoimmune illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis

  • Still other children suffer from debilitating anxiety, Tourette’s, and sensory issues.

  • Infant mortality (SIDS, etc.) in America is much higher than in other high-income countries while infants receive more vaccines in their first year of life than anywhere in the world.¹

I’ve said it before and I'll say it again: The kids are not ok. We need to be identifying deficiencies and targeting those with focus and intention. What harm does it do to look early on, identify areas susceptible to “cracks” and live a life that is proactive for their health instead of reactive to illness?

How are we eating? How are drainage pathways? What does our blood sugar look like? With rates of diabetes in children at an all-time high, and scientists connecting type 2 diabetes to alzheimers and dementia², investigating and tracking blood sugar can help identify foundational lack of nutrition and possibly a nutritional deficit. Blood sugar spikes can also be caused by pathogens and stress, sending little bodies into a “fight or flight” mode that causes hormonal disruption and starvation for nutrients. Again, laying foundations for illness long term.

Digging into foundations also means examining immune function. An immune system in imbalance impairs brain function, and has been linked with both behavioral and cognitive impairment. In fact, studies are now showing that this foundational malfunction of the immune system can be linked to cognitive impairment and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.³

So what does it mean for the adults of tomorrow, if we stop them in their youth and say: what is keeping your brain from functioning as it should? And if we don’t intervene, if we look at these statistics, behaviors, and alarming rates of diagnosis and choose not to change our ways today, how do we answer to those same adults when they face a difficult diagnosis, like early-onset dementia, and they see we could have changed it all when alarms started sounding throughout their childhood?

Removing the Burden

So as this generation of children are growing on weaker and weaker foundations, we see burdens their systems aren’t prepared to handle piling on and wreaking havoc. There are the burdens of the human condition in our fallen world like injury and the trauma of loss and pain. Then, for many, the additional traumas of abuse, addiction, and a home in dysfunction. Pile on environmental toxicity: lead in our drinking water, insecticides in our foods, groundwater and soil, and glyphosate so pervasive it is being found in mother’s breast milk. Even, and I realize I am going to step on some toes here, the rapidly growing list of childhood vaccines and the toxic load this places on young, developing systems. And now we have a cocktail of toxicity bearing down on the unstable foundations. Each of these toxic burdens are now being linked to not only the increases in cognitive deficits, PANDAs/ADHD/Autism diagnoses, and chronic illness in childhood, but now also severe, long-term mental health disorders, reproductive disorders, and debilitating psychiatric conditions in adulthood .⁴⁵⁶

Developmental disabilities are so pervasive and common, approximately 1 in 6 children were diagnosed and reported in the United States in 2006-2008. The number of children with select developmental disabilities (autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other developmental delays) has increased, requiring more health and education services at such a rapid pace that we haven’t kept up with the demand and need for services. Basic health needs such safe housing, clean water, adequate nutrition, are so lacking, that we are, in fact, growing our problem, instead of providing for a better future.⁷

Heal the Brain

Ok, so that feels like a lot of heavy, bad news. But like I said earlier, it doesn’t do us any good to pretend that this isn’t the stark reality facing the youngest, most vulnerable population in the U.S. today. 

So what are we going to do about it?

Here’s where you glove up:

Get after identifying weak spots, deficiencies, genetic susceptibility. Advocate for change - remove the toxic burden. And heal the brain. If you asked a sufferer of dementia if they would turn their young lives upside down to avoid the pain of the decline in brain function, what do you think their answer would be? If a different way is possible, don’t you think they’d insist - no, beg - you to at least try it?

It can be so hard to convince anyone of the compounding effects even small changes can have on their lives, but just like exercise in youth continues to build strength into old age, even small things add up. Don’t worry about changing it all tomorrow.

One thing at a time. 

And I’m here to help you get started.

New Mighty Warriors

I totally understand and remember vividly the overwhelm of not knowing where to begin, especially when dealing with a new diagnosis or searching for answers in a chronically ill child. But removing this burden for other parents is what fuels my passion for building a new, accessible Mighty Warriors program. 

Over the next few weeks, I will be highlighting our online portal that will be a foundational, reusable reference point for anyone needing to change the path for their family. My prayer is that this will serve as a valuable tool that you can consume at your own pace. And work through - or re-work - as needed! 

We have modules planned for foundational nutrition that will include meal plans and recipes, a toolbox for acute illness and injury, as well as a toolbox for chronic conditions. Content will be accessed privately, through membership, and will give you unlimited access to not only the modules, but also video content and interviews with experts in nutrition, pediatric therapies, and health. 

My goal for this is that we can begin reaching those that desire a new path, but don’t have the capacity or need to meet one on one. I know this will serve as a launching place for those that desire a solid foundation for their kiddos, and want to grow their own education on holistic healing and wholeness - mind, body, spirit, soul and heart.

Let This Change You

So, do you want to be a part of the solution?

It is an unbelievable gift that I have been asked to enter into the sometimes difficult, but always remarkable journey to health with you and your children. I never take this responsibility lightly, and I am so encouraged to see how we are going to change, together, the grim forecast for this generation.

We know where the well-worn path is headed. 

You’ve heard the worst of it.

How will this change you? 

Be sure to follow along on Instagram and here on the blog for updates on the Mighty Warriors release. 

Not on socials? Not a problem! 

Sign up for emails here for the latest news on Mighty Warriors, as well.

And last - tell me: what are you most looking forward to with Mighty Warriors membership?

Let’s do this!



Let’s Restore Their Laughter


Part 3: Pursuing the Heart